This true natural arch is located close to the road pass of Pierre Pertuis near the village of Tavannes on the french speaking area of Bern canton of Switzerland. The arch has a measured span of 11.5 meters. This historic arch was engraved by latin inscription with said "
numini augustorum via ducta per marcum dunium paternum duovirum coloniae helvetiorum" (To the divinity of the Augusti this road was planned by Marcus Dumius Paternus Duovir of the colony of the Helvetians). Regretfully, the local authorities had paved with hideous black top the historical trail of Via Jura built by roman Empire around 200 AD. It is also supposed that this arch was enlarged to facilitate the movement of Roman Legion. After a detailed study of the arch, no confirmation about that was found by the author. This arch was featured on
stamp by the Swiss post in 2007. Archmillennium is proud to have participed with this picture to the iconography on the page 375 of the book "Historical Atlas of the Ancient Christianity".