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Estrechos del Gorgonchon (Spain)

Estrechos del Gorgonchon is located between Yaso and Bastaras hamlets, near KM post 12 on the road Bierge-Aguas, in the Sierra and Canyons de Guara Natural Park, Spain. This is a short but intense aquatic slot about 200 meters long through a very narrow crack. The second waterfall inside is dangerous. A hand rail is instaled to bypasses this "fatal trap". You have to use it imperativelly : risk of death (already 4 persons die and numerous accident there). At the end of the hand rail, rappeling by down climbing out of the water trap. This slot canyon can be considered as technical and challenging due to the difficult second waterfall to chimney down and a short siphon to passes. Do not enters this slot if the Rio Formiga is on flood stage, you w'll be fool. If you enjoy slot canyon do not miss this one. It rank high on the author's best slot worldwide. There are photogenic travertine flow and nice "oscuros" inside in bonus. If you are a claustrophobic person, do not attempt this trip. This "estrechos" is so narrow you have to remove your pack and swim side-ways! "Slot rat" welcome! There is none better in terms of aquatic dark slot. Take a rope of 20 meters for the trip.







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