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Whether of monumental proportions or more modest dimensions, natural arches have always held an irresistible attraction for the human eye. Fashioned over thousands of years by the vagaries of the elements, these marvellous sculptures maintain improbable equilibrium, somehow suspended on the edge of time. Seeking out these structures also means visiting the magical places where the beauty of nature reveals all its meaning. The author wishes a similar enchantment to befall the visitors to this website regarding one of the planet's most recurrent phenomenons, the process of erosion. Nature is an artist. The author has currently visited or documented 3070 natural arches worldwide. The author is member of The Natural Arch and Bridge Society since 1997 and he served on NABS board as vice-president for four years. In 2019, the author celebrate 25 years of fascinating experience with natural arch.
Qu'elles soient de proportions monumentales ou de dimensions plus modestes, les arches naturelles ont toujours exercé un attrait irrésistible pour l'oeil humain. Ces merveilleuses sculptures façonnées par les aléas des éléments durant des milliers d'années, se jouent d'équilibres improbables, suspendues on ne sait comment sur le fil du temps. Aller à leur rencontre, c'est aussi visiter des lieux magiques où la beauté de la nature prend tout son sens. L'auteur souhaite aux visiteurs de ce site le même envoûtement pour l'UN des phénomènes les plus récurrents de la planète, à savoir l'érosion. La nature est une artiste.
Guilain Debossens
Archmillennium since 2001
Baousse del Biel is one of the most spectacular natural arch of France.
 An arch dreamer | This book by Pascal Sombardier featured natural wonders (included natural arch) on the mountain range of Vercors in France |  |